The Balboa Dayz organisation Team is dedicated to promoting swing dancing and culture throughout Germany at our events, everyone is there because they enjoy swing music, dance and culture! We welcome all people to dance events regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, race, or religion. We are committed to providing a safe scene for everyone to enjoy. All people engaging in Balboa Dayz are required to act in accordance with our Code of Conduct & Ethical Guidelines to help ensure a safe and fun environment is created for everybody to enjoy.
All instructors, musicians and staff know about their responsibility to represent those Ethical Guidelines (CoC) and sign to follow them by 100%. All participants agree by registration to follow the same rules.
Any unwanted or unwelcome behavior (sexual or otherwise) which makes a person feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Examples of harassment and bullying include but are not limited to:
- Inappropriate verbal comments, teasing, or putting down of others
- Intimidation or stalking
- Defamation of anyone
- Unwanted physical contact or unwanted sexual advances
- Posting unwanted, unauthorized or inappropriate material on social media, particularly when directed at or about an individual
- Any inappropriate, bullying or harassing text messages
- Dancing drunk, or drug addictive behavior influencing others
- Behavior that may be considered an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking, or obscene communications.
WHAT IS OKAY? aka, how can I treat everyone respectfully?
Dancing is about fun, but also about consent. Communicate with your partner and ensure you are both feeling comfortable and safe. Which also relates to aerials and dips.
- Be good people: do not use discriminating behavior, for example misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or racist language.
- Ask for verbal consent: “Would you like to dance?” “Would you like a drink?”
- Even if you’ve been given consent before, ask every time. Use your words.
- Respect the bodies and persons of other people: do not touch anyone without asking permission, do not touch anyone inappropriately, and stop if someone asks you to. Do not harass or pester someone who has already said no to a dance.
If someone lets you know, verbally or non-verbally, that they are feeling uncomfortable, address your behavior, apologize sincerely, and make a change immediately.
Do you feel like there has been a breach of our Code of Conduct? Tell us! If you are injured, feel uncomfortable or unsafe, or are experiencing or witnessing inappropriate behavior, please let us know. We will take immediate action. We will handle any issue, big or small, with absolute seriousness and in the strictest confidence.
You can approach:
- A member of the Safety & Awareness Team – Jens, Angelika, Susi, David, Kerstin
- Contact our “safe space” mobile number (Telefon)
- If you do not feel comfortable speaking to someone in person, you can email
Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in a range of outcomes, from a conversation and reference to the Code of Conduct, to expulsion from our venues and events. In a worst case we will protect victim, then call police, cancel the event, and indict the perpetrator.
Repeated infringements of our Code of Conduct will not be tolerated.
If you need emergency assistance, crisis hotlines such as the below are also available to you.
- Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst + Hausbesuche, wochentags 19 – 7 Uhr, sowie 24h am Wochenende 116117 (ohne Vorwahl), Link:
- Allgemein- u. Kinderärztliche Bereitschaftssprechstunde Uniklinik 0351-116 117
- Polizei 110 | Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst 112 | Sperr-Notruf 116116 | Fundbüro 0351-4885996
- Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen: 08000-116016 | Psychosozialer Dienst für Menschen in Krisen 0351-4885341
- Frauenschutzhaus 0351-2817788 Opferhilfe Sachsen 0351-8010139
- Dresden- Ausweg Beratungsstelle 0351-3100221
- Sowieso Frauen für Frauen e.V. 0351-8041470
- Vandalismus-Telefon, Meldungen + Auskunft zur Verhinderung u. Beseitigung von Sachschäden 0351-4886333
- Taxi 0351/ 211 211